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Who Selects stock?
The librarian/library co-ordinator has overall responsibility of stock selection and maintenance.
Points to consider:
- Do all staff have opportunities to recommend resources?
- Are specialist curriculum and interest areas recognised?
- How does the library stock relate to classroom collections?
- Is there a balance between material to support and enhance the curriculum and more popular material to attract and entertain pupils?
- Can parents/carers and other adults recommend books etc?
- How do pupils contribute to selection? Do you have a system that enables them to recommend titles to you?
- Is the specialist knowledge of adults and pupils recognised?
- Does the school library reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of the school and the community. Does it reflect a wide range of faiths, cultures, and traditions, whether these are represented in the school’s community or not?
Supplier selection
This is a concept developed by public libraries, and to be considered if you have a professional librarian running your library. This is discussed on the “where to buy” page