Information Literacy and Digital Fluency
Information Literacy & Digital Fluency In a world of global information, the ability to handle information effectively has never been more vital. The school library is much more than a gateway to information sources. It is where pupils learn to…
Display It is important to develop a regularly changing programme of displays in the library to maintain interest and excitement. Posters promoting books and reading are available from many suppliers including: National Literacy Trust Publishers Commercial suppliers Schools should encourage the use…
Main Suppliers
Where to Buy Shelving, Furniture and Equipment Disclaimer : Primary School Guidelines does not endorse any of the library suppliers listed below : Contact your nearest Schools Library Service for their recommendations and examples of good practice Demco Interiors – Library design incorporating Gresswell Tel:…
Classroom Collections
Classroom collections Every school will have a different policy about classroom collections and the kinds of books that are needed. A very good strategy is to make the general school book stock part of the library and on the library…
Keeping up-to-date
Keeping up to date The following is a selection of journals and websites that carry information about new books and other resources for primary schools. Your local schools library service will also provide information about new books. Books / Journals…
Where to begin
Where to Begin There are three elements to a successful library: people to run it; books and resources to put in it; space to accommodate it. To begin, you need to develop your vision of how the library integrates into the…
Top Tips for an Effective Library
Top tips for an effective library Create a whole school culture that values reading, with the library as a pivot Have a librarian / staff member who works in the library regularly Allocate a budget for the library so…
Library Policy
Library Policy School library policies define the visions, role, aims and objectives for the whole school community. They are underpinned by good practice. A good library policy should make reference to: the library’s status as a learning environment in the school and…
Budgets CILIP* recommends 10-13 quality library books for every pupil This excludes textbooks, structured readers and class sets. Smaller schools need proportionately more items per pupil, so schools with fewer than 100 pupils should aim for a minimum base figure of 1300 quality library…
Judging Success
Judging Success Effective libraries must contribute to school improvement and pupils’ learning. Most schools will have their own templates for self evaluation and review. The library should be included within this process and contribute to the school review. Some of…