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Library management systems
Ideally, a school library will have a specialist computerised management system that is networked throughout the school. Teachers need to be able to model independent learning skills using the library catalogue both in the classroom and in the library and children need to be able to consult the library catalogue from anywhere in the school.
- The system in the library requires a dedicated computer, printer and barcode reader. A library system does not manage itself; it must have someone in charge of it to make it a useful asset to the library.
- An efficient computerised library management system will enhance the effectiveness of the library. The system helps children to find books, makes the recording of loans simple and provides useful information about library use. Book reviews are provided with many systems and the children can add their own reviews, giving a great sense of ownership.
- Schools are advised to use the same system as other schools in the local area to facilitate building up a local network of expertise. Some suppliers have negotiated discount arrangements through the local schools library service. It is important to subscribe to helpline or other upgrade support that the supplier offers.
- The management system will help with cataloguing by downloading from a central database, saving you a lot of time. you will need to check that the classification numbers are the ones you are using in your library and check the keywords for each book.
- A good system will encourage use of the library and help develop independent library skills.
Training and Advice
- Your nearest Schools Library Service can tell you about good library systems currently available and offer training, advice and further support
Signs and Guiding